Pictured: Apartment in Fusion, Surrey, British Columbia
Whether your family home has become too big or you are looking to move from the suburbs to the busy downtown, downsizing can be challenging for everyone. Here is a guide to help you go through this process stress-free!
1. Planning
Congratulations on your life changing decision! It is now time to do some planning. List all the things you absolutely need to bring with you in your new home and the things you can dispose of. Make sure the whole family is on board with this list to avoid any conflicts later on.
2. Decide on your lifestyle needs
What is your lifestyle going to be like? How many kitchen robots and utensils will you really be needing? What purpose do you need this den to serve? An office, guest room, playroom for your grand kids? Ask yourself all these questions before moving in, and the whole process will be much easier than you thought!
3. Calculate your total area space
In order to bring all of your favourite furniture, make sure they will fit in your new space by calculating the available floor area of your new apartment. Don't forget to include all of your closets, kitchen cabinets, space under the bed and any shelving you can add. While you don't want to make your new space look too busy, there's no harm in making sure you utilize all the space available to you.
4. Comb through all your belongings
It is now time to jump in and go through all your belongings! Start with your closet space (attic, basement, sheds, closets, etc.) – you will be surprised how much we tend to hang on to old things and even forget that they exist! If you haven't used it in over a year – get rid of it! Remember to label bins with "keep", "sell", or "charity". The trick is to separate what you want from what you need. Fortunately, our properties offer lots of storage space, making your life so much easier!
Food for thought: Did you know that the average downsizer only keeps one-third of their belongings?
5. Play with your floorplan
Plan in advance the biggest furniture pieces you want to keep and make sure you know exactly where they will fit in your new home. Pro tip: make sure your big pieces fit through the elevator. If you're not sure, you can always put it in a storage space. In the meantime, here is a list of apps you can use to play with different room designs!
6. Enjoy your new lifestyle!
You've finally made it! Now that you're all moved-in, it is time to enjoy your new lifestyle. The best way to get familiar with your new building is to reach out to the staff! That is why at Centurion, our onsite staff is dedicated to helping you with anything you need. Need help after office hours? Not a problem! Just call our Customer Care Centre at 1-888-236-7767 to speak with a representative who will happily assist you with anything you need.
Looking for a place to call home? Check out our rental properties at https://www.cpliving.com/.