"I have already watched every show on Netflix.", does this sentence sound familiar to you? Throughout isolation, you have probably binged most of the TV shows and movies on your favourite streaming service. Here are a few suggestions to help fill up your spare time with some non-screen-related activities:
Barbecue. Holidays like Canada Day serve as an ideal time to get together, and a great way to socialize and catch up with loved ones is to throw some burgers and hot dogs on the grill and have a BBQ in the backyard.
Cook. Whether you are a great cook or a novice, now is your chance to step up your cooking game by trying new recipes and techniques! You could even try a different cultural delicacy or a national dish. You can even try going gluten free for a week or participating in a keto challenge to change things up. There are plenty of entertaining food blogs that you can explore on the internet and social media; Check out this link to an Instagram food page for some inspiration.
Pay a visit to a nearby park. Play cards, have a picnic, watch the sunset, or read a story to your children or grandchildren outside. Visiting a nearby park is a simple way to get out of the home, get some fresh air, and spend time with family and friends in a different location.
Go camping. In Canada, we are fortunate to have an abundance of national parks nearby, many of which offer camping options for people of all comfort levels. Some of our favourites include Tobermory, Algonquin, Killarney, Georgian Bay Islands, Bruce Peninsula, and Killbear. Camping is a great way to disconnect from work and our phones and enjoy nature with loved ones.
Read. "If you do not like to read, you have not found the right book." – J.K. Rowling. Books offer hours of enjoyment in the comfort of your own home and imagination. There are plenty of resources nowadays to buy or borrow books such as Amazon, Audible, or even exchanging a book with a friend or a neighbour.
Exercise. Have you ever wanted to run a marathon? Are you hoping for that chiseled summer six-pack? It is not too late! There are so many fitness challenges to choose from that you will have no trouble finding one that suits you. Here are a few good ones; Chloe Ting for teens, Melissa Woodhealth for young adults, and HasFit for adults!
Even if you have completed watching everything available on your preferred streaming service, there is always plenty to do! Try some of these ideas and look for methods to energize your mind this Summer and the coming year.
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