Pictured: Apartment in Trio, Kelowna, British Columbia
Have you been working from home and desperately trying to find a way to make it work? Has working from home been challenging because of your small space? We got you! Here are a few tips to help you find a work/life balance at home.
1. Structure your day
According to StatsCan, approximately 40% of Canadian employees are now working from home, this is a 10% jump from before COVID. So, you are not the only one struggling to find your balance. One of the most important steps to be productive while working from home is to structure your day. Did you know that every minute spent in planning saves 10 minutes in execution? Plan your day the night before by listing everything that needs to get done – this will provide a clear view of what you need to work on the next day plus the satisfaction of crossing it off your list one by one. Here is a very helpful video on how to best structure your day.
2. Function over aesthetics
The reality is that your apartment probably does not have an office space, which brings you to use a space that already serves a different purpose. If you can make your office space aesthetic, great, go for it! If not, don't worry – sometimes you have to sacrifice aesthetics over functionality! It is important to find a space where you can work comfortably with enough space to move around and stretch. You can find a list of practical desks here to fit in the most unexpected places of your apartment. If you are looking for an apartment with a den or an extra bedroom to use as your office, check out our properties here, to find your perfect place!
3. Find the right spot
The first step to find the perfect spot is to look for good lighting. You will be spending hours sitting in front of a screen, which can put on a strain on your eyes and cause headaches and overall fatigue. If you can, set up your working space near a window – natural light is also thought to increase productivity! The second step is to find a neutral background for video calls. Gravitate towards neutral colored walls, or doors, to keep the attention on you instead of distracting your audience.
4. Put your work away at the end of the day
It is essential to differentiate your workspace from your personal space, but that is easier said than done when your office space is part of your personal space. The answer: put your work away. Keep your office area tidy and close your laptop, notebook, and put your pens away. This will help you mentally disconnect from work and enjoy some well-deserved personal time. Enjoy the little things such as talking to your neighbors (while respecting social distancing, of course) or take advantage of the amazing amenities the Centurion properties have to offer!